INNOgenius is one of the leading brands in Marketing, Product, and Service Development Companies that take your views to new heights.
With over 15 years of experience working with companies from start-ups and Fortune 500's to government departments. In processes that range from Process Improvement, Marketing, Product & Service re-branding and development to business and product establishment. Our innovative geniuses are six sigma certified and trained to foresee your needs, knowing what you and your clients need before you do. Where businesses are designed for today's times, our vision is to build for the needs of tomorrow.
Thinking creatively, developing innovative experiences, and forming relationships. We think with a social, innovative, and open mindset. Balancing the desire to grow your direct business while also serving your marketplace. We push the edges of the brand by leveraging the impact of relationships and the culture that is your brand to enable new/or existing audiences. With a keen eye for design, a passion for creativity, a proactive mindset, and solutions-oriented logic, we are what you need now and in the future.